A month flew by so so quickly. I was about to jot down some quick notes when her last semester was finishing and now the new one is about to start in just two days.
We were at the parents and teachers meeting, and teacher Zeim was commenting on Chelsea's language ability.
She said something like,
"She was doing good. But then we all need to be awared what we say around her."
It turned out that the other day she tripped in the classroom. When she was standing up, she said, "What the hell!"
I had to try very hard to not burst into laughter and Zeim said,
"She used it in the right context but..."
And then the other day we were all at the new flower garden. We got there when it was almost closing so the radio kept remind everyone like "We are about to close. " Chelsea heard it a few times and then start to repeat that.
When we were leaving the garden. Nat asked the little one, "Can I have a kiss?"
Our little daughter covered her mouth with her palm and went,
"It's closed."
There you have it.